Episode 206 - The 2023 Blitzies
April 4, 2024
Ambie and Crystal host the 2023 Blitzies, the annual awards show about the best games of the year!
Intro: 0:00
Announcements: 0:37
The 2023 Blitzies: 1:51
--Best 2 Player Game: 2:40
--Best Strategy Game: 4:39
--Most Epic Game: 6:37
--Most Unique Theme: 8:30
--Best Dexterity Game: 9:51
--Best Party Game: 10:47
--Best Deduction Game: 12:48
--Best Trick Taking Game: 14:49
--Best Kid's Game: 15:43
--Best New To Us: 18:14
--Best Game of 2023: 21:37
--2023 Looking Forward to Recap: 24:00
--Looking Forward to in 2024: 25:54
Outro: 30:59
Games discussed this episode:
This episode was sponsored by
Grey Fox Games. Use the code "BGBLITZ24" to g
et 20% off non-exclusive items.
Board Game Blitz's theme song was composed by Andrew Morrow.