Episode 109 - My Game Wants to Party All the Time

July 16, 2020

Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including LEGACY: Quest for a Family Treasure and Bites. We then talk about party games with special guest and patron of the show Pam.

Ambie's Top 100 Games: 30-21

February 2, 2020

Ambie's revisiting her top 100 games as of the end of 2019! This video is numbers 30-21.

Top 100 Games: Ambie's 20-11

June 5, 2018

For our two year podcast anniversary, we decided to put together our top 100 board games of all time! In this video, Ambie goes over her top 20-11 games.

Episode 7 - Spiel des Jahres

August 18, 2016

Ambie, Cassadi, and Crystal discuss some games they've played recently, including Dark Moon, Puerto Rico, and Quantum. We then discuss this year's Spiel des Jahres winners, as well as past Spiel winners that we like. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "win."

Dice Tower Con 2016 Recap

July 17, 2016

by Ambie Valdés
As you may have heard in the podcast, I went to Dice Tower Con in Orlando this year (my third year at Dice Tower Con). Out of the two different board gaming conventions I've been to, Dice Tower Con is by far my favorite, just because of the awesome open gaming experience - both in available space and in the amazing library.

This year I didn't go to any of the events (I didn't want to wait in line for an hour), so I spent almost all my time doing open gaming. I also wandered around the vendor area (some demo gaming, some buying games), went to the flea market, and visited the world's largest McDonald's with Flip the Table!

My 'vacation' was exhausting. Over the course of the 5 day convention, I played 56 unique games, 49 of which were new to me (a lot of learning!). Each day I played 10 or more different games. I also got to cross a bunch of games off of my list of 'games I want to play.' Obviously, I can't go over all the games in this blog (well I can, but I don't want to), so I'll just go over some highlights.
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