Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Floating Floors and Nimalia. Then, we are joined by our special guests - our moms - to talk about their experience playing games when they were kids, when we were kids, and now! Also, the etymology segment makes a surprise comeback as Crystal discusses the origins of the word 'mamma.'
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Mahjong and Blueprints. Then, we talk about board game tournaments - which ones we've competed in, our experiences with them, and why we like or dislike them.
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Project L and Cartographers Heroes. We then finish our part two of our one in a hundred games list with our top game from each set of 100 in the top 1501-2000 ranked games on BoardGameGeek!
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including some Graphic Novel Adventures (Captive, Sherlock Holmes: Four Investigations, and Your Town), Nokosu Dice, and Fafnir. We then talk about Crystal's time at PAX Unplugged.
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Mr. Face and Nine Tiles Panic. We then list off our top 5 games that we played before we got into the modern board gaming hobby. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the company name "Hasbro."
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Mahjong, Mountains, and Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale. We then discuss nature as a theme in board games.
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game and Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar. We then talk about our comfort board games. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "familiar."
Ambie, Cassadi, and Crystal discuss some games they've played recently, including Legends of Andor, Ascension, and Queendomino. We then talk about what we're thankful for in board gaming, including some listener responses! In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "benefit."
Ambie, Cassadi, and Crystal discuss some games they've played recently, including Dark Moon, Puerto Rico, and Quantum. We then discuss this year's Spiel des Jahres winners, as well as past Spiel winners that we like. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "win."