Episode 230 - CONjecturing

March 6, 2025

Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Slay the Spire: The Board Game and Flip 7. Then, we talk about our preparations (or lack thereof) for Dice Tower West and board game conventions in general.

Episode 188 - Tournamental

July 27, 2023

Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Mahjong and Blueprints. Then, we talk about board game tournaments - which ones we've competed in, our experiences with them, and why we like or dislike them.

Episode 180 - Dice Tower West Recap

April 6, 2023

Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Escape the Room: Murder in the Mafia, Suspects: The MacGuffin Affair, and The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era. Then, we talk about our time at Dice Tower West last month!

Episode 174 - Gaming Resolutions

January 12, 2023

Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Sleuth, MANTIS, and Color Brain: Disney Edition. We then talk about some gaming resolutions and goals we may or may not have made for 2023.

Ambie's Dice Tower West 2019 Vlog

March 23, 2019

Ambie shows you her time at the first Dice Tower West in Las Vegas!

Episode 74 - Dice Tower West Recap

March 14, 2019

Ambie and Crystal talk about their time at the first ever Dice Tower West convention!

Episode 60 - Property of the Intellectual

August 30, 2018

Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Miraris and Pikoko. We then talk about intellectual property in board games. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "box."

Episode 59 - Our Favorite Exceptions

August 16, 2018

Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures and King of Tokyo. We then talk about games we love in genres we typically avoid. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "anomaly."

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