Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Wok and Roll, Kopi King, and Chope. We then talk about board game expansions and what makes us like or dislike them.
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including The Enigma Emporium Puzzle Postcards Series 2: Cycle of Learning and 5er Finden. We then countinue talking about our favorite game from each letter of the alphabet with part 2 of 3.
Ambie, Cassadi, and Crystal discuss some games they've played recently, including Startups, Takenoko, and Sagrada. We then talk about the fantasy theme in board games. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "fantasy."
Ambie, Cassadi, and Crystal discuss some games they've played recently, including CO2, Tak, Parfum, and Runebound. The "Accessory of the Week" segment includes some tips for storage and gaming when you own pets. We then discuss great games with an animal theme. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "meeple."