Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Holiday Hijinks: The Groundhog Gambit and The Cupid Crisis, Dorfromantik: The Board Game, and Wandering Galaxy: A Crossroads Game. Then, we talk about how both simple and complex games can have value.
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Weather Machine and Wicked & Wise. Then, special guest Pam joins us to catch up and talk about a bunch of things related to gaming - gaming groups, gaming online, and gaming at conventions!
This year was my husband (Toby) and my first year at BGG.CON, and it was amazing. I tried out 53 distinct games, 49 of which were new to me (some were really quick dexterity games). I'm obviously not going to go over every game I played (you can see what I played here, but here are some highlights of the convention for me.
One of the best things at BGG.CON is the library. The library is HUGE. A whole conference room is filled with board games on all the walls, a lot of which are brand new games from Essen! There was also a section in the main hall with a lot of the hot games set up so that people could play them. Because BGG.CON is right after Essen, it was great for trying out all those games I've been hearing about the past month.
Ambie, Cassadi, and Crystal discuss some games they've played recently, including Keyflower, FUSE, Pixel Tactics, and City of Remnants. The "Accessory of the Week" segment is about 3D printers - not necessarily an accessory, but can be used for making accessories. We then discuss great games with a unique theme. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "dice."