Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Weather Machine and Wicked & Wise. Then, special guest Pam joins us to catch up and talk about a bunch of things related to gaming - gaming groups, gaming online, and gaming at conventions!
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Draw the Line, Dexterity Jane, Sound Box, echoes: The Microchip, and Jekyll vs. Hyde. We then talk about games that are good for playing with children.
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they played recently, including Fire in the Hole! and Stella: Dixit Universe. We then talk about playing children's games - not with children, but just with adults!
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Go Away Monster! and Catch the Moon. We then have another top 5 list with our top 5 silly games!
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Sidereal Confluence, Unfinished Case of Holmes, and Noch Mal!. We then talk about games with unique sensory mechanisms. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "sense."
For our two year podcast anniversary, we decided to put together our top 100 board games of all time! In this video, Ambie goes over her top 40-31 games.
Ambie, Cassadi, and Crystal discuss some games they've played recently, including Rebels Unite!, Happy Pigs, and Rex: Final Days of an Empire. We then talk about board games that have a cold theme. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "analysis."