Ambie and Crystal discuss a game they both played recently, Switch & Signal. We then talk about what can make a good board game name and some board games that we think have good names.
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Horrified and The Castles of Tuscany. We then talk about flavor text in board games. In the return of the Board Game Etymology segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "flavor."
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Cuba Libre and Carpe Diem. We then start a 3-part series where we talk about our favorite game from each letter of the alphabet, starting from the end. Crystal then discusses the origin of the word "Alphabet."
Ambie and Crystal discuss a book Tortured Cardboard, and a couple games they've played recently, including Roll Estate and Silver & Gold. We then talk about how theme, specifically light themes and dark themes, can affect a game. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "point."
Ambie and Crystal discuss a couple games they've played recently, including Ghost Stories and The Potion. We then talk about some thoughts on what makes a board game name good or bad.
Ambie, Cassadi, and Crystal discuss some games they've played recently (or are looking forward to playing), including Magic Maze, DropMix, and Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition. We then talk about some board games that involve exchanges. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "shuffle."
Ambie, Cassadi, and Crystal discuss some games they've played recently, including Junk Art, Monster Factory, and A Fake Artist Goes to New York. We then discuss our shame games - popular games we haven't played yet. In this week's "Board Game Etymology" segment, Crystal discusses the origins of the word "lose."